Friday, November 11, 2011

A little Kitchener, and a lot of Mo's

On Saturday, Nov 5th we performed in Kitchener at the Jazz Room.  What a fantastic venue! 
Sad we had to miss the Sausage Fest...
Movember updates...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

East Coast Tour!

Dan arrived in Toronto on Oct 30th.  We were both so excited, we could hardly contain ourselves!

The next day was Joel's B-day, so we decided to greet him at the airport with a welcome and Happy B-Day sign (courtesy of my lovely and talented wife, Jenny)

Halloween was the next day, so we put Joel right to work carving a pumpkin.

 It was a sad pumpkin. 
On October 31st, we departed for PEI to play some gigs and lead some masterclasses.  We travel in Jazzy style.
While in Charlottetown, Dan wanted to buy a toque.  Where better to get a Canadian toque then Roots?
So, for the month of November, or Movember, men all around Canada are growing moustaches to raise awareness for prostate cancer.  This is what we look like on day 1.

We went out for a B-Day dinner with Joel at the Gahan House in PEI.  Yummy food, and a nice B-Day Brownie for Joel.
Some pics from Charlottetown.  I'm sad that we missed "Muddy Buddy."

Lunch at Swiss Chalet.  Swizznay!!!!
We drove to Wolfville, NS where we stayed at a cute B&B

We played a great gig at Acadia University.  It was well attended, and I think people really dug what we were doing!

In the morning we were invited to Mark Adam's place for some breakfast.  It was YUMMY!
There was a chicken in the kitchen
Dan looks good with a oven mitt on.
I was not so happy about my Minnie Mouse coffee mug
Thanks Mark Adam, and thanks Acadia!
Unfortunately, my camera broke when we arrived in Antigonish so that's all the pics I have from the East Coast.  But, I just arrived in the West Coast so more pics will follow!